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Welcome to AppRun Docs

Welcome to the AppRun user guide! This guide shows you how to get started creating web applications using AppRun.

What is AppRun?

AppRun is a JavaScript library for building applications. But, you may ask, there are many successful Javascript frameworks and libraries like Angular, React, Vue, and Svelte already; why AppRun? AppRun provides elm-inspired architecture and embraces the event-driven programming pattern, making AppRun different from other frameworks and libraries.

AppRun has the following benefits overall.

  • Clean architecture that needs less code
  • State management and routing included
  • No proprietary syntax to learn (no hooks)
  • Use directly in the browser or with a compiler/bundler
  • Advanced features: JSX, Web Components, Dev Tools, SSR, etc.

Is AppRun for me?

If you are a beginner developer, you will learn how to build web applications with outstanding architecture quickly. Also, what you learned in AppRun will help you to understand other frameworks and libraries.

If you are an experienced developer, you will learn AppRun is a lightweight alternative to other frameworks and libraries. As a result, you will have one more good tool in your toolbox to meet your client's needs.


Most of the code snippets in this guide are interactive you can edit and see the results.

Ready to try it yourself?

Head over to Getting Started or explore the AppRun Architecture.