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AppRun-Site Server-Side Rendering

The AppRun-Site serv command starts a dev server at http://localhost:8080.

npx apprun-site serv

The AppRun-Site dev server serves index.html when the routes don't exist to support Single Page Apps. It also has the capability of server-side rendering to support pretty links and static site creation.

ES Module

Because the pages are compiled into ES Modules, they can be loaded dynamically. Also, thanks to the AppRun architecture, the dev server can render all the pages on the server the same way in the browser.

E.g., when users visit http://.../contact, the dev server finds an ES module from /contact/index.js. The dev server loads the module dynamically and renders it to jsdom. Then, it sends the HTML from jsdom back to the browser.

The exact same code, /contact/index.js, can be run on the client-side and the server-side. No special treatment is needed.

Dynamic Routing

The dev server supports dynamic routing. It searches the URL and finds the corresponding ES module. E.g., when users visit http://.../products/1, the dev server will first try to find the ES module from /products/1/index.js. Of course, /products/1/index.js does not exist, so it will try to find /products/index.js. If /products/index.js exists, it will load the module dynamically and sends 1 as the parameter for rendering.

The result is that pretty links are supported on the server side.

Server-Side Rendering

The server can render the pages on the server-side. It uses the same steps as the client-side rendering:

  • load the index.html
  • load the main.js (for the dynamic layout and the start up code)
  • load the modules by path to render the pages:
  /                 <- /index.js
  /about            <- /about/index.js
  /contact          <- /contact/index.js

Note: In order to support server-side rendering, the code should be carefule about using browser-specific APIs. You should check if the code runs on the server-side is compatible.

Server App

The build command generated server.js can serve API endpoints and server-side actions. The server code is in the app folder. You can add an app folder with the following structure:

/app                <- app folder (backend code)
  /_                <- action folder
  /api              <- api folder
/pages              <- pages of the website

The build command will compile the server code to allow the API endpoints and server-side actions.

If you only want to build the server code, you can use the --server-only option:

npx apprun-site build --server-only

API Endpoints

The API endpoints are served at the path /api/[endpoint]. For example, the api/hello.js file will be served at /api/hello.

// api/hello.js
export default (req, res) => {
  res.json({ hello: 'world' });

Server-side Actions

You can add server-side actions in the _ folder. The server-side actions are served at the path /_/[action]. For example, the _/comic.js file will be served at /_/comic.

Use the //#if server, //#else, and //#endif comments to separate the server-side code from the client-side code. The compiler will strip out the server-side code from the client-side code and vice versa.

// _/comic.js
import action from 'apprun-site/action.js';
export default async (data) => {
  //#if server
  const num = data?.num || Math.floor(Math.random() * 2990) + 1;
  const response = await fetch(`${num}/info.0.json`);
  return response.json();
  return action('comic', data);

The action function will POST to the comic action on the client side.

You can refer to the server-side action in the client-side code:

// components/comic.tsx
import { app, Component } from 'apprun';
import comic from '../../app/_/comic';
export default class Comic extends Component {
  state = comic();
  view = ({ img, alt }) => img ? <img src={img} alt={alt} /> : `Loading...`;

The benefit of referring to the server-side code is that you can get type checking, code completion and goto-definition in your IDE.

Finally, you may not have a node server or use a different web server in production. In this case, you can pre-render your site into a static site. Proceed to the next section to learn how to create a static site.