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AppRun-Site - Static Site

The AppRun-Site build command has the option to render your pages into HTML files and create a static website.

npx apprun-site build --render

The build command first scans and compiles your pages in the pages directory and then downloads them into the public directory by leveraging the dev server's server-side rendering.

/public             <- compiled site
  /_.html           <- copied from `pages/index.html` for SPA
  /index.html       <- *** server-side rendered `home` page ***
  /index.js         <- compiled
  /main.js          <- compiled
    /index.html     <- *** server-side rendered `about` page ***
    index.js        <- compiled
    /index.html     <- *** server-side rendered `contact` page ***
    index.js        <- compiled

/pages              <- sorrce pages
  /index.html       <- index page
  /         <- home page
  /main.tsx         <- start up code
  /about        <- about page, markdown
    contact.tsx     <- contact page, AppRun component`

With all the HTML pages created, you can deploy the static website.

In the next section, you will learn the AppRun-Site command line.