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AppRun-Site Command Line

The AppRun-site command line has the following commands:

Usage: apprun-site [options] [command]

  -h, --help                  display help for command

  build [options] [source]    build site
  serv [options] [source]     launch development server, watch and no live reload
  dev [options] [source]      launch development server, watch and live reload
  help [command]              display help for command

Build Command Options

You can use the following command-line options for the build command.

Usage: apprun-site build [options] [source]

build site

  -c, --clean            clean the output directory (default: false)
  -w, --watch            watch the directory (default: false)
  -r, --render           pre-render html pages (default: false)
  -o, --output [output]  output directory (default: "public")
  -p, --pages [pages]    pages directory (default: "pages")
  -h, --help             display help for command

Dev Command Options

Usage: apprun-site dev [options] [source]

launch development server, watch and live reload

  -o, --output [output]  output directory (default: "public")
  -p, --pages [pages]    pages directory (default: "pages")
  -n, --no_ssr           disable server side rendering (default: false)
  -h, --help             display help for command  apprun git:(master)  npx apprun-site@latest serve -h

Serve Command Options

Usage: apprun-site serve [options] [source]

launch development server, live reload is optional

  -o, --output [output]  output directory (default: "public")
  -p, --pages [pages]    pages directory (default: "pages")
  -n, --no_ssr           disable server side rendering (default: false)
  -l, --live_reload      enable live reload (default: false)
  -h, --help             display help for command

AppRun-Site Config File

In addition, you can also customize the AppRun-Site in the apprun-site.yml config file.

site_name: AppRun Site
site_url: /

no-startup: true   # don't inject startup code for dynamic routing
no-sss: true       # don't use server-side-rendering

  port: 8080

static-pages:     # additional pages to pre-render for the static site
  - /products/1
  - /products/2
  - /products/3

WIP, more options to come.