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AppRun Site

AppRun-Site let you focus on creating web pages using AppRun components, web components and even markdown files. AppRun-Site will take care of the rest:

Create AppRun Site

You can initialize a project using the npm create apprun-app command and select the AppRun Site template.

npm init apprun-app [my-app]

Alternatively, you can create a project using the npx apprun-site init command.

npx apprun-site init [my-app]

The init command provides a few more project templates to choose from:

AppRun Site Architecture

An AppRun-Site project has the following structure:

/pages              <- pages of the website
  /index.html       <- index file
  /index.tsx        <- home page
  /main.tsx         <- start up code (registers web component and renders the layout)
    /index.tsx      <- about page
    /index.tsx      <- contact page

The pages are tsx/jsx files (AppRun components) or markdown files:

Add Pages

You can add AppRun components, class or functional (tsx/jsx files), markdown, or html files to the pages directory.

Example of an AppRun class component page:

import { app, Component } from 'apprun';
export default class ContactComponent extends Component {
  state = '...';
  view = state => <div>
    <p>This is a class Component</p>

Example of an AppRun functional component page:

import app from 'apprun';
export default () => <>
  <p>This is a functional Component</p>

Example of a markdown page:

# Hello Web Component
This is a markdown page with a web component to display a comic from XKCD

All the pages will be compiled into the ES modules in the public directory when you build the site.

Next, you will learn how to build your site.